15 October 2024

Professional Integration HUB 2.0 Announces Full List of Participants

After a month-long selection process, we are excited to announce the participants for the Professional Integration HUB 2.0 program! Starting October 15, these Ukrainian professionals will begin their internships at leading Austrian institutions and organizations:

  • Marta Beska – Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care, and Consumer Protection
  • Marharyta Pavliv – Austrian National Tourist Office
  • Oleksandra Azizova – Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy
  • Anastasiia Krasina – Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy
  • Anna Semenchenko – Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy
  • Olesia Kvitka – C/O Vienna Magazine
  • Hanna Tomyshch – Impact Hub Vienna
  • Sabina Mamedova – Impact Hub Vienna
  • Oksana Musiienko – Josephinum – Medical Collections
  • Tetiana Stakhivska – Office Ukraine Vienna
  • Mariia Kardash – Office Ukraine Graz
  • Anna Pasko – L&R Social Research
  • Iryna D’yakonova – L&R Social Research
  • Diana Bilyk – Salzburger Kunstverein
  • Viktoriia Tkachuk – Federal Ministry for Climate Action
  • Kateryna Holubova – MuseumsQuartier Wien
  • Mariia Molodcha – Schenker Salvi Weber Architekten
  • Oksana Denys – Institute for Social Policy, WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business)

We congratulate all participants and thank our partner organizations for supporting this impactful initiative. Wishing everyone a successful start!

The official opening of the Professional Integration HUB 2.0 program will take place on October 17. The program promises a range of exciting events, including study visits and community gatherings. Stay tuned for more updates as the journey begins!

The program is initiated and funded by ERSTE Foundation and implemented by the European Centre for Freedom and Independence.

9 September 2024

The Application Period is closed!

The application period for the Professional Integration HUB internship program is closed. Thank you for the interest and active participation!

Starting this week, we will begin reviewing the submitted applications.

The selection will be conducted in 3 stages:

Technical Selection – participant‘s eligibility check against program requirements, CV analysis.

Intermediate Selection – online interview with representatives of ERSTE Foundation and EUCFI.

Final Selection – interview with representatives of the hosting organization.

Expect more news soon!

5 August 2024


The Application Process is ongoing for the Professional Integration HUB 2.0 Internship Program!

Professional Integration HUB 2.0 offers:

  • 3 months of internships in leading institutions and organizations in Austria (15/10/24 – 15/01/25);
  • integration into the Austrian professional environment;
  • study visits, webinars, workshops;
  • building a community of Ukrainian professionals;
  • valuable experience for the reconstruction of Ukraine;
  • a monthly stipend (amount depends on the chosen institution/organization).

The program is for Ukrainian women professionals currently residing in Austria who:

  • arrived in Austria after the start of russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine;
  • has a resident permit and free access to the Austrian labor market; hold a relevant higher education degree;
  • is a specialist in a specific field with a minimum of 3 years of work experience;
  • is fluent in English;
  • has a German language proficiency of A2 level or higher;
  • is actively engaged in civic activities;
  • shares European values, learns from EU countries‘ experiences, and ultimately contributes to the reform and rebuilding of Ukraine.

Don’t miss your chance to integrate into the European professional environment and gain valuable experience for the reconstruction of Ukraine! Fill out an application form!

The Professional Integration HUB is initiated and funded by ERSTE Foundation. The project is implemented by the European Centre for Freedom and Independence.

29 July 2024

Olena Sushkova: “A significant takeaway from my time in the Austrian professional environment is the importance of fostering a friendly workplace culture”

Olena Sushkova, Professional Integration HUB 1.0 program participant (ERSTE Foundation).

  • City in Ukraine where you lived before the full-scale invasion (forced relocation): was born in Simferopol, Crimea (Ukraine), and spent the eight years prior to the full-scale invasion living in Bucha, Kyiv region
  • Specialization: fiscal policy, taxation, local development, accounting and audit, risk management, and sustainable development


Before the full-scale invasion, I held the position of Associate Professor at the State Tax University in Irpin. My responsibilities included teaching courses on customs, conducting research projects on tax administration and control for the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine and the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, and supervising PhD students. Additionally, I was actively engaged in the business sector, providing tax advice and accounting services.

The State Tax University is working to restore its educational activities to pre-Invasion levels. However, many campuses have been destroyed, and several others remain damaged. Many students and university staff members have been relocated, with a significant portion now studying abroad. Numerous students have been accepted into universities in Germany, Austria, and Poland, where they are pursuing Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees.

One of the most significant challenges of my career in Ukraine was defending my PhD thesis. Despite that, I am grateful for that period as it provided me with extensive learning opportunities, allowed me to acquire new skills, and enrich my experience. Moreover, it afforded me the chance to collaborate with brilliant experts in my field.

While working within the state education system, I encountered significant bureaucracy and experienced competition among colleagues. However, Ukraine offers abundant opportunities for well-educated and experienced individuals, particularly for those who are proactive and motivated.


 My house is situated where Hostomel meets Irpin, just a few kilometers from Antonov Airport, which is home to the world’s largest aircraft, the Mriya. The war started practically on my doorstep when the airport was attacked.

In April 2022, I relocated to Austria after being awarded a scholarship from the Austrian Academy of Sciences. My host institution is the Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law at WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business). Prior to arriving in Austria, I spent approximately a week in Poland. The previous year, my home Institute at the State Tax University, had collaborated with University of Third Age in Gromadce and Wroclaw University of Economics and Business, and our colleagues there assisted us in our relocation.


Living in Austria presented several challenges, with the foremost being the language barrier. Initially, navigating daily life proved difficult with everything in German. However, I was fortunate to meet many kind people who occasionally assisted me with German-related matters. One more thing to adapt to was getting used to shops and some public places being closed on Sundays.

When it comes to employment, not knowing German and lacking “Vitamin B” (professional connections) are significant obstacles to obtaining a good position in Austria. Additionally, my Ukrainian diplomas were not readily accepted. Without a degree from a European or globally recognized university, achieving a similar position to what I had in Ukraine proved challenging.

One of the most surprising aspects of life in Austria was the banking system. I was taken aback by how they still rely on plastic banking cards, which are mailed to you several weeks after signing a contract with a bank. This seemed quite outdated compared to the advanced banking support in Ukraine. On the positive side, I was incredibly impressed with Austria’s logistics, especially in Vienna. I knew about the electronic schedule boards at transport stations, but I never imagined a city’s logistics could be so well-organized that you can get from one end of the city to another in an hour. The public transport system is also worthy of admiration for its safety and availability, even at night.

Living in Vienna has been encouraging and supportive for me. I find joy in walking around the city. Visiting museums, traveling, and meeting new people have broadened my outlook.

To all Ukrainians living abroad, I recommend to be patient and persistent. If you face 100 rejections, remember that the 101st might be your success. Never give up!


I discovered the Professional Integration HUB program through a link shared by a friend, and its objectives perfectly aligned with my career aspirations. It was an ideal opportunity for me to take my first step into the professional world in Austria, and discovering the program was truly a decisive moment for me.

During the three-month internship, I not only strengthened my confidence but also significantly broadened my professional horizons. I now have a structured plan for my future steps and a clearer vision of my professional growth journey.

Considering my love to organizing things, I used various digital tools to carefully plan out our projects. Additionally, I proposed the strategy for using social media and business platforms to help create a vibrant community among everyone involved in the project.

Comparing the work processes in Ukraine and Austria, what stood out to me most was the congenial atmosphere among colleagues, the absence of stressful pressure, and the emphasis on respecting one another’s time and efforts. Unlike Ukraine, workplaces in Austria tend to have a more flat hierarchy and less strict distinctions based on positions.

Thinking back on my internship, two moments left a profound impact on me. The first was a visit to Caritas, where I was deeply moved by the staff’s steadfast positivity in the face of heartbreaking stories. The second was a visit to Salzburg Kunstverein, where creativity, art, and inspiration saturated every part.

A significant takeaway from my time in the Austrian professional environment is the importance of fostering a friendly workplace culture. I learned that it’s possible to achieve remarkable results without micromanagement, to conduct meetings without excessive pressure, and even to celebrate colleagues’ achievements with sincere warmth and fellowship. Moreover, I came to appreciate the lunchtime culture, which promotes relaxation and socialization among colleagues.

One of the most valuable insights I acquired from the internship is the art of effective teamwork in a multicultural setting, coupled with the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Additionally, I acquired practical knowledge about funding applications, project prioritization, and organizational support processes. Engaging in study visits to prominent Austrian institutions enriched my understanding of their activities, structures, and challenges. Furthermore, I made progress in improving my German communication skills and feeling a sense of belonging within the by actively engaging in both professional and social interactions with colleagues.


I am thrilled to have my contract extended with the host organization. My time at ERSTE Foundation in Austria has been invaluable, providing me with deep insights into efficient project management, sustainable development, and the importance of international collaboration.

Collaborating closely with Ukrainian partners has given me a profound understanding of the current challenges facing Ukraine, especially in the preservation of cultural heritage and advancement of human capital. This experience has strengthened my commitment to addressing these challenges and contributing positively to Ukraine’s progress. Therefore, I believe that the Professional Integration HUB project plays a crucial role in developing a new generation of Ukrainian professionals who are more qualified, adaptable, and knowledgeable about working in both Ukrainian and European environments. These professionals can serve as change agents in Ukraine, fostering connections between European and Ukrainian communities and promoting Ukraine’s integration into the EU.

Through my internship, I have witnessed firsthand how international partnerships and networks can be leveraged to achieve project goals. Enhancing Ukraine’s capacity to form strategic international collaborations can open up new opportunities for funding, expertise, and shared resources, fostering growth and development across various sectors.

ERSTE Foundation’s focus on sustainable development and innovative green technologies is particularly relevant for Ukraine, especially in achieving energy independence and environmental protection. Equipping campuses with solar panels, as done by ERSTE Foundation, could help address environmental challenges and reduce reliance on non-renewable energy sources in Ukraine.

Additionally, ERSTE Foundation’s emphasis on employee well-being and continuous self-development serves as a valuable model for Ukraine. Practices such as providing rest zones and encouraging participation in language courses and other self-development activities during work hours could greatly benefit the Ukrainian workforce, improving productivity and ensuring professionals stay up-to-date with the latest knowledge and skills in their fields.

In summary, the knowledge and experiences gained through this project will be crucial in my efforts to contribute to Ukraine’s development. By fostering international collaborations and enhancing workforce skills, I strive to support the creation of a strong, forward-looking Ukrainian society integrated with Europe.

25 July 2024

Viktoriia Shvaher: “This internship helped me clarify my career goals and identify areas for improvement”

Viktoriia Shvaher, Professional Integration HUB 1.0 program participant (Caritas Austria).

  • Age: 25 years old
  • City in Ukraine where you lived before the full-scale invasion (forced relocation): Zaporizhzhia
  • Specialization: International Relations and Development, as well as Gender Studies


Before the full-scale invasion, I worked primarily in the NGO sector, focusing on women’s rights issues. My main objective was to raise awareness about violence against women and advocate for the ratification of the Istanbul Convention, which was successfully achieved in the summer of 2022. Since the invasion, the focus of NGOs in Ukraine has shifted towards assisting war-affected populations and internally displaced people. This has significantly increased the workload for NGO staff, who now must balance their usual activities with addressing war-related challenges and personal issues arising from living in a war zone.


I was in my hometown of Zaporizhzhia when the full-scale invasion began. Shortly after, I left the country and initially sought refuge in Poland. From there, I moved to Lithuania, where I stayed with friends, before volunteering in Germany for two months as a translator for arriving Ukrainian refugees. 


In September 2022, I came to Vienna after being accepted into a Master’s degree program here. One of the biggest challenges I faced was establishing a stable routine in a new city where I lacked social support. Renting an apartment was also challenging due to high demand and competition from other applicants. Additionally, my limited knowledge of German posed a significant obstacle in my job search. While Vienna is English-friendly, proficiency in German is often required for employment opportunities. I am actively working on improving my German skills, and the courses provided by the Integration Hub have been instrumental in this regard.


I learned about the Professional Integration HUB through social media. For me, this internship was an opportunity to test myself in a different environment, enhance my skills, and gain insights into the foreign job market. Working with colleagues from diverse backgrounds in an international office setting was a valuable experience. Moreover, contributing to humanitarian projects in Ukraine through Caritas gave me a sense of purpose. The Austrian professional environment is characterized by flexibility, a lack of micromanagement, and a supportive atmosphere. I appreciated the opportunity to work at my own pace and the approachability of colleagues for guidance and advice. Non-work activities organized by the workplace, such as yoga classes and personal development training, were also enjoyable and contributed to a positive work environment.


This internship helped me clarify my career goals and identify areas for improvement. I gained valuable skills in project proposal writing and grant management, which I believe will be beneficial for my work in Ukraine. As foreign grants for the NGO sector in Ukraine continue to increase, proficiency in these areas will be essential for securing funding and effectively implementing projects.

16 July 2024

Nataliya Sherimbetova: “Now I have confidence in my qualifications and abilities to excel in any office environment in Austria and beyond”

Nataliya Sherimbetova, Professional Integration HUB 1.0 program participant (WIENXTRA).

  • Age: 44 years old
  • City in Ukraine where you lived before the full-scale invasion (forced relocation): Kyiv
  • Specialization: Pedagogy and methods of education (MA)


I have been actively engaged in various roles throughout my career, including:

  • Product owner at IT Step Academy
  • Motivational speaker and mentor for startups
  • Coordinator of a startup program for teenagers
  • Curriculum developer
  • Creator of educational programs, courses, and marathons for companies


The war caught me in my Kyiv apartment, peacefully asleep with a cat by my side. It was actually a very active period in my life; I was working on scaling the project and had to give a presentation that was supposed to be the turning point in my professional life. But the early morning phone call and sounds of explosions made me change my way.

I had to move to the Transcarpathian region and stay there for a month, trying to work remotely, but most of my time I assisted the IT army. Then I lost connection with my parents for two weeks because the place where they live was under constant rocket attack, and… I lost all sense of life. So, the following actions were like moving in the dark, and as a result, I found myself in Austria.

Austria was the first European country where I thought to stay for a week and go further to an English-speaking country. But Caritas picked us up at the railway station so fast that I didn’t even notice how I ended up at the refugee center in Vienna. Then we were taken to another location in Wiener Neustadt, and in three days we were taken further to Lower Austria, where we lived with 10 other people (who actually became my friends). It was a hard time, as I faced psychological problems. I could not accept the fact that such terrible things could happen in our era.


The main challenge I faced in Austria was the language barrier. I had zero knowledge of German. There were two primary obstacles when I sent out CVs: being overqualified and the requirement of at least B2 proficiency in German.

Since it wasn’t my plan to stay in a foreign country, I didn’t have specific expectations. However, several things surprised me: communication primarily via email, abundance of postal mail, closures of supermarkets and shopping malls on Sundays and holidays, and inefficiencies in call centers and hotlines. On the positive side, I was impressed by the availability of tap water, the emphasis on work-life balance among office workers (as reflected in the phrase “kein stress”), lots of parks and natural spaces, excellent public transportation, and the openness of politicians and local authorities to communication and feedback. Moreover, Vienna’s support programs for children and youth, such as the Vienna Children and Youth Strategy, are worthy.

I find comfort in the fresh air and peace of my surroundings, keep in regular touch with my parents over the phone, and have been connecting with local professionals to build a network.

My advice to Ukrainians living abroad: seek out a good psychotherapist, prioritize self-care, and remain open to the possibilities that lie ahead.


The Professional Integration HUB program caught my eye in a social media group. Initially, I simply wanted to start working in Austria and acquaint myself with the local market. However, my internship turned out to be much more intensive than expected. I had the opportunity to make friends, meet professionals, and engage with both local and international organizations. The only disappointment is that I can’t continue working here. However, I feel energized and motivated to find another job, improve my German, and explore potential projects to undertake here.

During my time at the WIENXTRA departments, I contributed to an Erasmus+ project on Youth Work with Ukrainian Displaced Youth, organizing a successful one-week conference for Ukrainian social youth workers. Additionally, I proposed and implemented weekly Info Days for Ukrainian families at Kinderinfo, providing essential information about WIENXTRA programs and opportunities for children aged 0 to 13.

In terms of program/project coordination, I didn’t notice significant differences in the work process; it was similar to what I experienced in Ukraine, just conducted in English and German.

The friendly and supportive atmosphere among my colleagues left a lasting impression on me. I felt welcomed and at home. I learned the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance and not letting work-related stress impact my personal life. Despite facing numerous job rejections before the internship, I now have confidence in my qualifications and abilities to excel in any office environment in Austria and beyond.

I’ve realized the significance of using every opportunity to connect with new people and professionals. Moreover, adopting the “Kein stress” mindset has been life-changing, helping me navigate various situations with calmness and self-control.


The internship in the Professional Integration HUB program has recharged me; now I have a clearer direction regarding the area I want to work in here.

Implementing European practices that could benefit Ukraine, especially in youth development, is crucial. One achievable opportunity is to establish exchange programs between Ukrainian youth organizations and their European counterparts. This could facilitate the sharing of best practices, innovative approaches, and resources to enhance youth engagement and empowerment in Ukraine. Using European expertise in youth policy development, capacity building, and intercultural dialogue can help strengthen the youth work sector in Ukraine and address the specific challenges faced by young people, particularly those affected by the war.

I admire the way Vienna city engages with children and young people. For instance, they have collaborated to develop a strategic plan known as The Vienna Children and Youth Strategy 2020 – 2025, aimed at ensuring a safe and comfortable environment for all. This serves as a good example for Ukraine to follow.

We must prioritize the well-being of children and young people. Ukraine needs to provide not only safety and a place for learning, but also professionals, mentors, teachers, and volunteers who can demonstrate effective learning methods, facilitate implementation of ideas, foster effective communication, and encourage critical thinking. It’s essential to empower young people to express their ideas and themselves in all areas of life. Qualified social and youth workers should be recognized as essential roles in Ukraine. However, this requires finding individuals willing to work in the social sector and providing them with appropriate education and training.

9 July 2024

Matilda Cherednichenko: “It is normal to encounter difficulties, but it is important not to lose sight of your goals and desires”

Matilda Cherednichenko, Professional Integration HUB 1.0 Program Participant (Salzburger Künstverein)

  • Age: 23 years old
  • City in Ukraine where you lived before the full-scale invasion (forced relocation): Kyiv
  • Specialization: Curator / Event Manager


Before the full-scale invasion, I worked at a film studio that is part of the National Union of Cinematographers of Ukraine, where I was actively involved in various film projects. My responsibilities included working on set and handling archival materials. I also took on various freelance roles as an event manager and coordinator. Despite the challenges posed by the dynamic nature of the industry during COVID, I found satisfaction in bringing creative ideas to life.

However, the unclear political and economic landscape has created significant challenges for the film industry in Ukraine. The instability has made it difficult to plan long-term projects or secure funding for productions. russia’s aggression against Ukraine has profoundly affected many aspects of life, including the arts and culture sector, leading to many projects being suspended or canceled due to security concerns and lack of funding. The film industry has been particularly hard hit, with many workplaces unable to function under the current circumstances. Despite these challenges, there is a resilient spirit among Ukrainian professionals, many of whom are finding innovative ways to continue their work online or even during air alarms.


The war caught me completely off guard. I remember being suddenly woken up around 4 or 5 in the morning by my mom’s urgent call, telling me that it had begun. During the chaos and uncertainty, my family, our neighbors, and I, along with my dog, spent the next two weeks in a local basement which we used as a bomb shelter. The weeks that followed were filled with stress and anxiety as we dealt with the war. Eventually, I faced the difficult decision to leave my country.

We planned to depart with my mother and dog on an evacuation train, but by the time we reached the station, it was already overcrowded, and only children and women were allowed to board. For a moment, I considered staying in Kyiv, but my mother convinced me to go ahead and wait for them at the border. The train’s destination was uncertain, and passengers only learned of their endpoint as they arrived. I spent the following days in a small Ukrainian village near the Romanian border. Later, my mother informed me that a family friend had offered to host me. Thus, I traveled alone through Romania and Hungary before reaching Austria. The entire journey took about a week.

For the next two weeks, I stayed with friends until we secured refugee accommodation in a local male monastery on Kapuzinerberg Mountain, where I spent the next nine months. During this time, I organized several events related to Ukraine. The first project, co-organized with the local NGO Ukreate Peace in July 2022, was a Charity Dinner featuring traditional Ukrainian cuisine and an art auction “Under the Open Sky.” This event exhibited works donated by a variety of Ukrainian and European artists. The second event was the Ukrainian Film Festival “Homeward Bound,” which highlighted the diversity of the Ukrainian film scene. All collected donations were directed to the Ukreate Peace fund to help Ukrainians currently living in the Land of Salzburg.


When I arrived in Austria, I faced many challenges as I adapted to the new reality. The first and perhaps most difficult challenge was the disbelief that the war would reach such a scale and last so long. It was a surreal moment that made all of us face the harsh reality of displacement and instability.

One of the key challenges was adapting to an entirely new environment and establishing a sense of normalcy amidst the chaos. It felt like living in limbo, no longer fully present in my life back home, yet not quite rooted in the new surroundings. This transitional phase was marked by feelings of disorientation and displacement as I struggled to build a new life from scratch.

Additionally, the фlanguage barrier and finding suitable accommodation posed significant challenges. Navigating a country with a completely different language added complexity to everyday tasks, from grocery shopping to accessing state services.

In the face of these challenges, I found comfort and support in the small rituals and routines of everyday life. Simple acts, such as enjoying a cup of coffee while walking my dog in the morning, gave me a sense of normalcy and life energy amidst the uncertainty. These moments acted as a lifeline, reminding me of the joy and simple beauty of being alive, even while facing difficulties.

For other Ukrainians facing similar challenges, my advice is to keep moving forward and pursue paths of growth and self-discovery. It is normal to encounter difficulties, but it is important not to lose sight of your goals and desires. Trust your instincts and follow your heart, even when the path ahead seems unclear. Strength and determination are your greatest assets in overcoming obstacles and building a normal life in a new land.


I found out about the Professional Integration Hub through social media. After seeing reposts from institutions I follow and various channels announcing open calls, I became intrigued by the organizations involved in the project. Motivated by the possibility for personal and professional growth, I decided to apply. Comparing the cultural landscapes of Ukraine and Austria, I noticed significant differences in work processes. In Ukraine, there tends to be a distinction between the mainstream and underground scenes, whereas Austria exhibits more integration and cohesion within the cultural community. This holistic approach to art and culture is what I aspire to see in Ukraine, as it fosters a more inclusive and vibrant creative environment.


The internship at the Professional Integration HUB program had a huge impact on my professional ambitions. I am determined to look for opportunities within Austria’s cultural institutions. Although I have not yet secured a position, I remain hopeful and active in my job search. The experience and knowledge gained during my internship provided me with valuable skills and a deeper understanding of European working processes.

4 July 2024

Maryana Strepko: “My advice to Ukrainians living abroad is to always step out of your comfort zone”

Mag.Maryana Strepko, Professional Integration HUB 1.0 Program Participant (The Federal Ministry for Education, Science, and Research)

  • Age: 41 years old
  • City in Ukraine where you lived before the full-scale invasion (forced relocation): Lviv
  • Specialization: University teacher of German language


Before the full-scale invasion, I pursued my studies both in Ukraine and at the University of Vienna. I worked as a university German language instructor in Lviv and also served as the head of a German language school in Lviv. I have dedicated my entire professional life to the field of education, where I have gained extensive experience.


I came to Vienna in mid-March 2022, thanks to a colleague from Austria whom I met in Lviv during an international project. She convinced me to come to Vienna with my children for 2-3 weeks, but now it has already been two years.


My advice to Ukrainians living abroad is to always step out of your comfort zone, stay active, and meet new people. It’s important to seize every opportunity for further education and to actively engage in social activities. Building connections and forming friendships with Austrians is crucial; they can help you better understand and integrate into the country.


I’d like to say some words about the differences in work processes and other aspects within my field between Ukraine and Austria.

In Ukraine, you typically know your colleagues and work environment well, understanding both the work dynamics and what is expected of you. In contrast, the work process in Austria demands quick integration into new teams, a rapid grasp of your colleagues’ work methods, and a readiness to embrace the unknown. However, the focus in Austria is less on the immediacy of task completion and more on the quality of the work performed.


Having worked in the Ministry of Education, I see significant opportunities to leverage European experiences for Ukraine’s benefit. It is crucial to launch educational initiatives in Ukraine that conform to European standards and practices. Establishing joint research projects and collaborations with European educational institutions can enhance the quality and relevance of Ukrainian education, ultimately contributing to its socio-economic development and integration into the European community.

As an intern at the Ministry of Education, my observations have led to several recommendations for improving Ukraine’s education system in its pursuit of EU integration. First, it is imperative to align the curriculum with European standards to ensure compatibility and recognition across member states. Enhancing teacher training programs with a focus on modern pedagogical techniques will improve educational outcomes. Additionally, establishing a robust system for continuous assessment and feedback will help maintain high standards. Strengthening partnerships with EU educational institutions can foster exchange programs and collaborative projects. Additionally, fostering strong relationships of trust and support between teachers and students is crucial for a conducive learning environment. Finally, increasing funding for research and development in education will drive long-term improvements and innovation in the sector.

1 July 2024

Mariia Pylypenko: “The internship helped me develop clearer values, guiding my future path in the right direction”

Mariia Pylypenko, Professional Integration HUB 1.0 Program Participant (Belvedere Museum).

  • Age: 21 years old
  • City in Ukraine where you lived before the full-scale invasion (forced relocation): Kyiv
  • Specialization: Art (Art Manager, Art Historian, Artist)


Through my work at the M17 Contemporary Art Center in Kyiv, Ukraine, I have gained extensive experience in organizing and preparing both Ukrainian and international cultural and artistic projects. My responsibilities included creating visual and textual materials for project promotion, assisting in art collection management, and developing digital content, including website creation and maintenance for center-related projects. Additionally, I managed the center’s social media, developed content strategies, and prepared various content.

My professional background also includes volunteering as a museum tour guide at the Bohdan and Varvara Khanenko National Museum of Arts in Kyiv. There, I conducted personalized tours of the museum’s Western European collection and supported the coordination of various museum events through volunteer work.

The current state of the art field in Ukraine, particularly its art institutions, is characterized by significant uncertainty. On one hand, cultural institutions have faced notable obstacles due to the war, requiring efforts to preserve their collections while adapting to contemporary realities. On the other hand, the visibility of art institutions in society has significantly increased during these challenging times, as demonstrated by the growing public interest in their activities and the substantial support they receive from the international art community. Additionally, following the full-scale invasion, both art and other institutions have revealed their strengths and weaknesses. This has helped them develop strategies for their operations and continued growth, providing an opportunity to establish themselves within the European and international art context.


The war found me early in the morning in my flat in Kyiv. Despite the shock, I managed to maintain composure and a clear mind. Living in the basement car park of our building for several weeks, my family and I eventually decided to evacuate to Lviv, in Western Ukraine, to get a pregnant relative out of the city. Returning to Kyiv at the end of May 2022, I had no intention of leaving again. However, a month later, the situation took a sharp turn with alarming news of the russian aggression. One evening, my mother and I made a spontaneous decision to leave for a couple of weeks to wait out the war. The very next morning, we were on our way to Uzhhorod, in Western Ukraine, and from there, we traveled to Vienna – a city I had visited three times as a tourist before the full-scale invasion. Our stay in a hotel during those few weeks reflected the reality that emigration wasn’t on our minds; we were simply waiting for the war to end. However, despite our wishes, fate had its own plans that could not be avoided.


I am very grateful to Austria for welcoming Ukrainian refugees with open arms, offering help, and providing all kinds of assistance. I was deeply touched by the kindness of the locals, their sympathy, and their support. What impressed me then and continues to impress me today in Austria is witnessing the EU’s stated values in action – from the philosophy and people’s perception of life to environmental organization, urban planning, and climate justice. Additionally, the energy that people show in advocating for their rights and values, and their commitment to truth and justice, is truly remarkable.

The biggest challenge for me was not knowing German, which made many everyday processes very difficult, from writing emails to communicating on the street. However, many local people showed understanding, not judging foreigners for trying to speak German, making mistakes, and learning about Austrian culture.

The advice I can offer to Ukrainians abroad, and which I strive to follow myself, is to actively explore everything, step out of the bubble of one’s usual community, and try to integrate into the international or local context. This includes learning the language and exploring the cultural depths of others, no matter how difficult it may be.


I found out about the Professional Integration HUB program through an Instagram post and decided to take a chance and apply. The internship at the Austrian Gallery Belvedere successfully met its main expectations and goals. It provided an opportunity to immerse myself in the Austrian professional sphere, gaining insight into the various methods and aspects of the institution’s work. Moreover, it facilitated an understanding of the fundamental principles and structure of the Austrian art sector, along with the professional values of local art managers. This knowledge will be valuable for applying to the Ukrainian cultural sphere in the future.

Overall, the internship became an important stage in my life, offering me not only valuable experience working in a leading Austrian institution but also shaping my personal perception of the dynamics among individuals, society, and institutions in relation to artistic and cultural heritage. It helped me develop clearer values in this regard, guiding my future path in the right direction.

The main initiative I was involved in during my internship was the organization of the symposium “Storms and Networks: Modernisms in an Extended Territorial Context,” which took place within the exhibition “In the Eye of the Storm: Modernism in Ukraine” on May 7, 2024, at Belvedere 21. Firstly, I express my gratitude to Miroslav Haľák, the co-curator of the exhibition from Belvedere, for his support, assistance, and time. Secondly, I was thrilled to be part of this process, integrating myself into the institution’s extensive mechanism of work throughout my internship. The symposium, which brought together leading experts in the field of modernism in Central and Eastern Europe, served as a significant scientific event fostering the exchange of opinions on the development of early 20th-century art in these regions.

A comparison between the art scenes in Ukraine and Austria, focusing on art institutions, organizational processes, and employees’ individual attitudes towards their work, provides insight into the strengths and weaknesses of Ukraine’s professional sector. Existing within entirely different realities, living conditions, and societal roles often causes this gap. In times of crisis, individual employees in the Ukrainian art sector are crucial for managing challenges and keeping things running smoothly, often relying more on personal initiative than established procedures. It’s worth remembering the heroism of specialists, like the staff of the National Art Museum of Ukraine, who lived in the museum at the beginning of the war to save the collection. It is also important to note the developed ability of Ukrainian specialists to find solutions quickly in complex situations and organize workflow despite challenges, including lack of financial support and physical danger.

We can learn a lot from Austria. The main difference between Austrian and Ukrainian art institutions, in my opinion, lies in their emphasis on being process-oriented rather than just focusing on the result. In Austria, the emphasis is placed on the process of creating exhibitions or any other project, prioritizing the idea and message, as well as public discussion, over a written report of successful completion. This approach, along with the responsibility and involvement of everyone at every stage of work, is fundamental to the successful functioning of the institution.

Reflecting on the insights I’ve gained from the Austrian professional environment, I have been deeply impressed by the dedication of Austrian professionals towards their work. This passion not only inspires but also provides a crucial understanding of why the Austrian art sector functions so effectively: each individual not only acts professionally but also truly loves their work, fully immersing themselves in their subject in a way that leaves a lasting impression.


The Professional Integration HUB program provided me with invaluable experiences and insights, from a clearer understanding of my professional development path to the incredible opportunity to work in a leading Austrian art institution. It also facilitated networking and gave me a solid grasp of the basic principles of the Austrian professional sphere, local values, and working practices. This opens the door to integration and offers the chance to apply this knowledge within the Ukrainian context.

Considering the important role of Ukrainian art during the war – as a platform for reflecting Ukrainian realities, sharing culture, and introducing the country to the global stage – incorporating European practices becomes essential for integrating Ukraine into the European context across various fields. For Ukrainian art institutions, which are consistently involved in societal discussions, adopting European standards could have a significant impact. This influence would extend to interactions with the local community, nurturing a new generation that prioritizes freedom, supporting art education and promotion, and bolstering the international presence and influence of Ukrainian institutions. 

25 June 2024

Daria Driuchenko: “I truly believe that someone who works hard cannot remain an outsider”

Daria Driuchenko, Participant of the Professional Integration HUB 1.0 program (The Federal Ministry of Arts, Culture, Civil Service, and Sports of Austria).

  • Age: 33 years old
  • City in Ukraine where you lived before the full-scale invasion (forced relocation): Kyiv
  • Specialization: film director, producer


Before the war started, I had been working for eight years as the head director of TV shows at 1+1 Media Broadcast Channel, especially on “ZHVL” (The Lives of Famous People).

In 2018, I started my own production company, where we produced and filmed numerous series and movies with foreign collaborators who came to Ukraine for shootings. In 2022, I had to close my production company, which no longer exists.


When the war started, I was nine months pregnant and didn’t plan to move anywhere. However, after hearing the sounds of explosions, I realized it was safer to move, even if only for a couple of days, to my friends in the western part of Ukraine. While driving to Ternopil, I saw TV news about a woman who gave birth in a subway because of air alarms and missile attacks. That scared me so much that we decided to head to the border immediately.

After two nights sleeping in line at the border, we finally entered Europe on February 28th. Our plan was to go to Germany or Switzerland, where my film partners could help me organize my childbirth. But my labor contractions started unexpectedly, and my doctor advised me to stop driving immediately. The first major city we reached was Vienna.


I didn’t know anyone in Vienna, which was frightening, but it was better than giving birth in the car. The next day, we went to a Ukrainian church and received all the necessary help we needed. I’d say it wasn’t me who chose Austria; Austria chose me.

The first couple of weeks were very hard psychologically. Vienna seemed very strict, full of rules, bureaucracy, a foreign language, and fear. We didn’t understand any road signs or announcements. On the second day, our car was towed, and we had no idea where it was. It was such a tough time that I cried every day, asking myself why I was going through all of this. But kind people, especially volunteers, helped a lot. Within a few days, I already had everything I needed for the baby from ordinary.

I was not on the front line of the war, but I fought every day in my own emigration war. In my opinion, every Ukrainian who moved abroad is going through very tough times. After all, being in another country and constantly finding your place under the sun is a huge job. Leaving everything behind and building a new life in a foreign country is a challenge that not everyone is capable of. My advice is: NEVER GIVE UP! I believe we can all overcome our troubles and live our best lives.


A friend from Portugal sent me a link to the Professional Integration HUB on Instagram. I hadn’t seen it before and immediately felt it was my chance. My expectations were to join an Austrian team wherever possible. I am still on my way to integration and continue pursuing my dream of professional fulfillment. I truly believe that someone who works hard cannot remain an outsider. But being a refugee is different. To be a good employee is not enough; you have to be the best. There is no chance for mistakes.

I am very impressed with the internship because I am in the best place I could imagine. This is the top, where all the decisions are made. Here, I can see what the market of culture looks like and who the people at the Ministry are. And believe me, they are great.

During my internship, I initiated several projects, including:

  • A workshop for Ukrainian artists applying for grants and scholarships.
  • Filming the project «Ukrainian Artists in Austria».

Forty people attended the workshop, and I received significant feedback from Ukrainians. The videos will be posted on the Ministry of Culture’s website and social media.

I have never worked at the Ministry of Culture in Ukraine, but I see that here, the Ministry of Culture is very committed to funding culture in all its forms. They are highly interested in modern art and in developing artistic taste among teenagers and young people. The institution is decentralized, with each department handling its own tasks. This approach minimizes the chance of corruption and allows them to be flexible, quick, and contemporary.

I really appreciate the tradition of having lunch together. The entire floor gathers to enjoy a meal and discuss news, problems, and other matters. They are very open-minded and always ready to help.


My key insight is to be open and active, not afraid to propose new ideas, and not afraid of making mistakes. Just stay honest and do your best.

I still hope to have the opportunity to stay here in a full-time job, but that decision is not entirely in my hands. Though, I remain hopeful. If this doesn’t work out, I will continue looking for other opportunities and full-time employment because integrating into this country is my main goal (At the time of publishing this interview, Daria had already received an offer from the Federal Ministry of Arts, Culture, Civil Service, and Sports of Austria to continue cooperation – HUB).

I believe I can continue to help Ukrainian artists through the Austrian Ministry of Culture. I could assist in updating programs for Ukrainians; propose new initiatives, and more. Knowing people personally, speaking Ukrainian, and understanding their mindset and needs, I think I could be a good representative to support our nation abroad. Austrians help us as much as they can, but they will never fully understand our pain. I believe it’s essential for every institution to have a Ukrainian representative to advocate for our nation internationally. If we want to stay here, we must accept the rules of the game.