Professional Integration HUB



A unique internship program for Ukrainian professionals in Austria


25 July 2024

Viktoriia Shvaher: “This internship helped me clarify my career goals and identify areas for improvement”

Viktoriia Shvaher, Professional Integration HUB 1.0 program participant (Caritas Austria).

  • Age: 25 years old
  • City in Ukraine where you lived before the full-scale invasion (forced relocation): Zaporizhzhia
  • Specialization: International Relations and Development, as well as Gender Studies


Before the full-scale invasion, I worked primarily in the NGO sector, focusing on women’s rights issues. My main objective was to raise awareness about violence against women and advocate for the ratification of the Istanbul Convention, which was successfully achieved in the summer of 2022. Since the invasion, the focus of NGOs in Ukraine has shifted towards assisting war-affected populations and internally displaced people. This has significantly increased the workload for NGO staff, who now must balance their usual activities with addressing war-related challenges and personal issues arising from living in a war zone.


I was in my hometown of Zaporizhzhia when the full-scale invasion began. Shortly after, I left the country and initially sought refuge in Poland. From there, I moved to Lithuania, where I stayed with friends, before volunteering in Germany for two months as a translator for arriving Ukrainian refugees. 


In September 2022, I came to Vienna after being accepted into a Master’s degree program here. One of the biggest challenges I faced was establishing a stable routine in a new city where I lacked social support. Renting an apartment was also challenging due to high demand and competition from other applicants. Additionally, my limited knowledge of German posed a significant obstacle in my job search. While Vienna is English-friendly, proficiency in German is often required for employment opportunities. I am actively working on improving my German skills, and the courses provided by the Integration Hub have been instrumental in this regard.


I learned about the Professional Integration HUB through social media. For me, this internship was an opportunity to test myself in a different environment, enhance my skills, and gain insights into the foreign job market. Working with colleagues from diverse backgrounds in an international office setting was a valuable experience. Moreover, contributing to humanitarian projects in Ukraine through Caritas gave me a sense of purpose. The Austrian professional environment is characterized by flexibility, a lack of micromanagement, and a supportive atmosphere. I appreciated the opportunity to work at my own pace and the approachability of colleagues for guidance and advice. Non-work activities organized by the workplace, such as yoga classes and personal development training, were also enjoyable and contributed to a positive work environment.


This internship helped me clarify my career goals and identify areas for improvement. I gained valuable skills in project proposal writing and grant management, which I believe will be beneficial for my work in Ukraine. As foreign grants for the NGO sector in Ukraine continue to increase, proficiency in these areas will be essential for securing funding and effectively implementing projects.